What is Leverage In Forex Trading?How to Manage it Effectively?

Leverage has become one of the critical factors that help traders make more money. It enables traders to make high-quality trades in the market at very low prices. Let us discuss the importance of leverage in forex trading in this article.

What is Leverage in Forex

What is Leverage?

Leverage is defined as the amount of money one can borrow at any given time against a given asset or a given currency. The more leveraged a trader is, the higher his risk profile.

It represents the ability to gain profit without the necessary investment on your part. However, if you have a good Forex strategy and a substantial amount of capital, there are high chances that you will be able to make big bucks even in small-scale trading like micro trading.

Leverage in Currency Trading

In forex trading, leverage refers to a particular currency’s capacity to obtain a certain level of performance above other currencies. 

It means that if you apply some amount of money and use proper leverage in forex markets, you will be able to earn much more profits than the currency’s value. However, with the advantages, there are also some disadvantages. One of them is that it may cause volatility and losses.

A quick glance

Leverage is the amount one can borrow at any given time against a given asset or a given currency. 

Generally, the 1:100 leverage ratio is considered best in forex trading. 

There are mainly two ways for leverage trading – direct or indirect

Indirect leverage is less risky than direct forex trading but can still be expensive. You have to pay a commission to a brokerage firm per trade in this method. 

Leverage in Forex example

For understanding leverage in forex trading effectively. Please have a look at its example. Suppose a trader has an account balance of $1,000 if he wants to buy 1 lot of JPY/USD. The worth of one lot is worth 100,000 Yen, So in case of 1:100 leverage, a trader can place the trade of $100,000 with only $1,000. Here you got the leverage of 1%. 

Is high leverage is good in forex trading?

If you are a high-leverage trader, the market forces your price down to acceptable levels and eventually may get out of control. In other words, extreme leverage can lead to disaster. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid while Trading with Leverage

What is the Best leverage in forex trading?

Generally, the 1:100 leverage ratio is considered best in forex trading. The ideal situation is maintaining its levels but not going beyond that level. 

Trading with leverage in the interbank market

The best way to Leverage forex for beginners is through interbank. It can be done in two ways – direct or indirect. 

Direct forex trading involves a person trading directly on his/her behalf. 

Indirect trading entails getting into a deal with another trader using an intermediary like a FX broker. These types of trading have their advantages and disadvantages, which we shall discuss in detail below.

Indirect VS Direct Leverage in Forex Trading

Direct trading involves a high-risk level since dealing with the counterparty directly. One significant advantage is that the price action level will be determined by real-time market data but nothing else.

You don’t have to worry about the market’s internal functioning because the trader controls everything. As such, you can be sure you will get the correct price information without waiting for any announcements or statements from the central bank. However, this type of leverage is not recommended if you don’t have complete confidence in the market data.

Indirect leverage is less risky than direct forex trading but can still be expensive. Here, you will have to pay a commission to a brokerage firm per trade, ranging from a few dollars to a few thousand dollars. It means the trader will pay the trades and brokerage fee. 

This type of leverage can reduce your profits, depending on how volatile the market is, and can sometimes even lead to the trader losing his money because of market inefficiencies. If used correctly, there is no downside to indirect leverage.

Forex traders use various types of leverage, depending on the forex market’s situation at a particular moment. Some traders stick to the traditional ‘buy-and-hold strategy, meaning they do not trade very often and thus do not require much leverage. 

Some traders believe that how much leverage a trader applies is not important. What is more important is how a trader uses that leverage. Other traders like to make a quick profit from small profit moves in the market; they, therefore, apply large leverage. These types of forex traders prefer to use both kinds of leverage and are often known as swing traders.


Before starting trading, you need to learn all about leverage. Once you know how leverage works, you can evaluate whether or not you want to take up forex trading. 

The leverage in forex trading can make a big difference in your earnings. However, it is not always the best tool for the seasoned trader. In fact, you should always analyze the situation before deciding how much leverage to apply.

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